YT Privilege
Considered a humorous slant on things for an easier read, even considered beginning with "unpopular opinion:", but nah, I'm angry, and this topic is uncomfortable, and people should be uncomfortable if only for their lack of action, or the way they flinch when they see the word "racism". I want to talk about privilege. I am seething over what we all saw happen in Minnesota this week. The cold blooded murder that is, not the reaction to it. But I acknowledge that the anger burning in the hearts of those being oppressed around the world is unfathomable to me, and it is unfathomable to all white people, because we have never come close to experiencing it for even a moment, never mind on a daily basis. I wholeheartedly believe that as white people, it is especially our role in society to stand up against any and all racism, not just in our morals, not just in our retweets and not just in our facebook posts... call it out when we see it, actually...