
Hi, your friendly neighbourhood newsreader here for a quick update on what is actually happening in regards to this coronavirus pandemic, I’ll keep it straightforward.
For those thinking Covid-19 is all media hype, you are being very very naive. People are dying in huge numbers all over the world and our country is one of the foolish few not taking drastic action. Perspective is everything here- I don’t want to scare anybody or spread false information, so let’s look at the facts and what has happened in the last fortnight in our neighbouring countries and global communities.
The Italians have now suspended all mortgage payments, sent everybody home and are on complete lockdown. Their cases went from 300 to 11,000 in 2 weeks (the UK is currently at ~500, a 33% daily increase- this is HIGHLY contagious). They are implementing procedures in hospitals that are beyond what they’re capable of- this in one of the richest areas of Europe where their health service is second to none. Doctors are literally having to choose which patients to let die based on how vulnerable they are, and it is truly heartbreaking. This goes for all hospital patients with all ailments, not just those with Covid-19 because it is regarding limited resources. Austria has closed its borders, the Chinese are deep cleaning their streets & forcing everyone inside among many extremely drastic and strict measures, and they have been successful in stemming the spread in some areas because of total isolation and cleaning on a city wide scale.
The USA have U-turned on their initial complacency and cancelled all flights from Europe for a month, except from the UK- and not because we’re miraculously immune, but because our government is inept and didn’t think it necessary (when have our government ever planned badly before, right!?). This means all people needing to get to the US will come here first, and we’re not checking for who’s infected either.
This virus will absolutely 100% reach our communities whether you’re in a city in England or a village in the Scottish highlands, it’s only a matter of time as the estimated time of production for a vaccine currently stands at 12-18 months.
Whilst people are recovering, and 80% only have minor or no symptoms, it is a certainty that it will reach some of our elderly relatives or those younger but susceptible to infection or illness and then we will realise how serious this is- it will kill those with weaker immune systems. Those with no symptoms can and will be carriers of the disease, so we absolutely have to be cautious and adapt to protect our communities.
The aforementioned 33% daily increase, means our 500 cases will become around 10,000 within 2 weeks if it remains consistent, some reports suggest we are already at 10,000... we will very soon be in a similar scenario to Italy, if not worse because they have already taken drastic measures which we have not (though their ageing population could see their mortality rate remain higher than ours).
All public gatherings are being cancelled and postponed worldwide yet we still allow quarantined areas to send flights to the UK to attend public events (eg 50,000 people at Anfield last night alongside the fans who’ve travelled unrestricted from Madrid to visit our city).
Make no mistake- it is already amongst us and can be transmitted every time we breathe or touch something.
It is far deadlier, and spreads far quicker than any known flu, and those with weak immune systems or susceptibility to infection are extremely high risk.
We all know our NHS is already impossibly stretched as it is, so treatment is going to be limited and people- especially the elderly- are going to die.
Please people, stop being such typical naive privileged Brits about all this, because I know nobody wants to be responsible for unknowingly carrying it to their loved ones.
Call me a fear monger if you like. Rise above it all because you think it’s a conspiracy.
If you’re critical of the “alarmists”, then be sure to go back and apologise when you can’t go to work, pay your bills, see your friends, go to the match, hug your mother, or leave the house because we’ve been complacent over the lack of symptoms - because you will be the ones responsible for putting people at risk.
This is deadly serious. Be responsible. I hope your toilet roll keeps the fire burning long into the night.
If you are wealthy enough to stay off work, do it. If you own a business in which your employees are able to work from home, make them. If you have elderly relatives, ensure they are at home and getting things they need delivered to them and not taking public transport. Need to attend a meeting? Skype. Need to fly somewhere? Take over the top action to protect yourself and others, or just don’t travel at all. And if you’re sick for the love of god don’t go to the doctors surgery- call 111 and follow their instructions.
Thanks for taking the time to read and as I said earlier I don’t want to be scaring people, but we are all capable of being aware of what is happening in the world around us and how every single one of us without exception has a responsibility to limit the spread to high-risk people.
All of the above information is based on official reports from China and Italy, advice and reports from the World Health Organisation, the Italian College of Anaesthesia Analgesia Resuscitation and Intensive Care, and first hand accounts from doctors and individuals effected via individual twitter accounts and blogs. I pray that this turns out to be overly precautionary and the virus is contained ASAP, but I’m only echoing the experts, the witnesses, and watching things develop in real time.
The Italians certainly aren’t laughing how they were laughing last month.
Side note: it’s common knowledge that I despise the tory regime, and I’m not going to shy away from laying some blame at their feet for what is about to happen. Johnson this week on This Morning suggested that the best way to deal with the pandemic is to “take it on the chin and allow us to build a collective immunity rather than take draconian action”, this theory simply does not work, and every doctor will tell you that. What this actually means is that he’s willing to let a number of vulnerable people die, so those left are more immune, before he considers taking drastic action... Because if you are vulnerable, they simply do not care and a cull of the population would be seen as an economic positive in their eyes. (This is not hyperbole- it was actually suggested in an article in the telegraph this week by well known conservative journalist Jeremy Warner).
We STILL have ZERO checks at UK airports- including on passengers returning from China and Milan. While yesterday’s budget has allocated finance to aid our doctors, there is no guaranteed sick pay for anybody on zero hours contracts, the self employed, the unemployed, or those without a contract, which means anybody with the virus who absolutely must be isolated, will instead go to work, and if they are told not to work, they go unpaid. That’s bus drivers, teachers, corner shop owners, care home attendants, the fella that makes your butties in subway... all interacting with the public because they have no choice.
The health of a nation is only as strong as the poorest in society - if people can not guarantee their bills are paid, they will go into work while sick and they will spread the infection far and wide. We see it every day in the UK. People are afraid to stay off work for fear of losing their job or their assets for unpaid bills. We need guaranteed basic universal income for EVERYBODY and we need it immediately.
PPS: if you’re getting a takeaway delivered, get it from your local Chinese & support their community you bunch or racist snowflakes. I don’t see anyone shying away from pizza and pasta after all!!

Edit/Update: Apparently more recent flights from quarantined areas are themselves being quarantined straight from the plane, though I've not heard of this being implemented as a necessity in every airport.
There are under-qualified student doctors and nurses being drafted into hospitals, to make up staffing shortages, as well as retired doctors and nurses too - particularly illogical because they themselves are massive health risks.
Sporting events will, for some insane reason, go ahead this weekend - a bizarre decision particularly from the Premier League as Arsenal manager Mikel Arteta, as well as numerous unnamed Leicester City players (at least) are confirmed to have the virus, and are under quarantine. Meanwhile hundreds of thousands of working class fans will embark on journeys around the country via public transport to congregate in huge numbers to watch games live.
(This may change as there's a suggestion the Premier League will have further meetings tomorrow).
The real kicker though comes in the form of a government statement, who are still playing down the necessity of immediate action despite their own admission that 80% of the population will become infected and an estimated half a million people could not survive. The Prime Minister used the phrase “many more families are going to lose their loved ones before their time". In this same statement Johnson confirmed schools and businesses will not be closing, and things should continue as normal in spite of the World Health Organisation's advice - they themselves have stated they are "deeply concerned about government inaction".
Many people have already compared this speech to that given by Lord Farquaad from the balcony of his castle in Shrek. “Some of you may die, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make”.


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