Happy days

So, I've started a blog. I turned eighteen at the beginning of the week so i guess now is a better time than any.
Besides, we've been out shooting quite a lot recently so I've got plenty of stories to tell of what's been going on in the world of Royden.
For starters, i was woken up this morning by a knock on the door, thinking it could be the birthday present i've been waiting for all week, i jumped out of bed, and wearing only a pair of stupidly baggy joggers i opened the front door. So you can probably understand the shock i felt when i saw the police standing there. after putting on some clothes, i sat with them and found out that i have noting to worry about- it's my good friend Tafty they're after. So no worries!
Back on the skate trail, last Friday was spent in my town of birth, Liverpool. My man Danny Cartwright has been sponsored by Phitt clothing so we met up with Mike Howard and headed off to get some profile shots, and a few steezy tricks down for the camera. Decent day to say the least, and the pics turned out quite nicely.
Sunday was spent at Rampcity following an entertaining drive to Blackpool in Greeny's car, passing numerous drivers worthy of abuse on the motorway. Danny killed it, and we got most of the killing down on footage for his intro edit to Phitt, so no doubt you'll be able to see that first hand in the near future.
Photo-wise it was murder to shoot, difficult angles, flash trouble, and ridiculous lighting meant that my pictures were a right effort to pull off.
I've sent them off to Will Woodward and he seems pleased, so as the title says, happy days.
Right, time for me to head off to Che-town to shoot a few more mad tricks from the boy wonder. I'll learn how to actually use this thing later on, my most humble apologies if this has turned out looking awful.
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