Danny Cartwright - BS Heelflip |
The last time I went abroad without any agenda or work related stuff to do whilst away, was in April 2012, I travelled to Barcelona with my mates to go skateboarding. I shot a photo of Danny C doing a backside heelflip at the seaside and it became one of my most viewed, and most profitable images.
Seven years on and once again I travelled to the Mecca of skating, with some of the same faces as on that previous trip, and lo and behold, I've shot another photograph of Danny doing a backside heelflip at the seaside. Needless to say this one won't be quite as lucrative as the last, but it was probably more enjoyable to shoot - we've both come a long way since then, and I'd like to think I'm a little better at framing a photograph.
The story this time was a fun one - unbeknownst to Owain, his wife Jen started a group chat with eight of his mates and planned out this trip in its entirety - from flights to suitcase, board, and even the vx1000 without him having any idea. He knew he was travelling abroad, he needed a new passport after all, but in hindsight maybe we shouldn't have let him guess that the family were going to Disneyland... and telling his 3 year old daughter that they were about to get on a plane....
Skip forward to the airport and we ambushed the car leaving him in a state of shock. Fair does. "Where are we going?! Barca?!"... got it in one.
Alx Green - Wallride |
Owain John - kickflip |
David Appleton - fs lip |
David Appleton - Ollie |
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